Sample Models

Model 2.7: ANP BOCR- To Walmartize or Not to Walmartize in Washington DC (2012)

Short Description

The large majority of Wal-Mart stores are located in suburban areas, as bodega and local/regional grocery chains occupy the vast grocery market within city limits. In an attempt to capture some of this market share, Wal-Mart initialized campaigns to start opening stores in urban areas nationwide. One of the cities where Wal-Mart is scheduled to open 4 new locations in 2012 is Washington, D.C. This study analize this problem using the BOCR/ANP model(s), both from a personal and economic sustainability perspective. The BOCR model suggests that Wal-Mart should be built. The study was conducted in the year of 2012, and it is interesting to know that in 2018, there are three Wal-Mart stores in Washington D.C.

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